World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King items. Simplifying, an item is something that a player character can carry in their inventory. Items are divided into several categories, based on their usefulness and rarity.

There are a few sources of the items. A player can purchase items from vendors, can receive them as a quests reward or can loot items from corpses of killed creatures. Most items can be sold to ingame vendors. Some of them can also be sold to other players. The most important types of the items are armor, weapons and quest items.

name of item
required lvl
item lvl+
  name updown lvl updown req lvl updown class updown slot
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Recipe: Major Frost Protection Potion Recipe: Major Frost Protection Potion 72 - Alchemy
Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion 72 - Alchemy
Recipe: Fel Mana Potion Recipe: Fel Mana Potion 72 - Alchemy
Recipe: Elixir of Empowerment Recipe: Elixir of Empowerment 73 - Alchemy
Recipe: Elixir of Empowerment Recipe: Elixir of Empowerment 73 - Alchemy
Recipe: Ironshield Potion Recipe: Ironshield Potion 73 - Alchemy
Recipe: Mighty Fire Protection Potion Recipe: Mighty Fire Protection Potion 75 - Alchemy
Recipe: Mighty Arcane Protection Potion Recipe: Mighty Arcane Protection Potion 75 - Alchemy
Recipe: Mighty Shadow Protection Potion Recipe: Mighty Shadow Protection Potion 75 - Alchemy
Recipe: Mighty Frost Protection Potion Recipe: Mighty Frost Protection Potion 75 - Alchemy
Recipe: Mighty Nature Protection Potion Recipe: Mighty Nature Protection Potion 75 - Alchemy
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