World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Kira Songshine, Elwynn Forest Map

Ingame ID of Elwynn Forest map is 12.

Elwynn Forest
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Elwynn Forest subzones / areas
name level aprox. coords
Brackwell Pumpkin Patch867 x 79
Crystal Lake753 x 64
Eastvale Logging Camp684 x 66
Echo Ridge Mine-48 x 31
Fargodeep Mine538 x 84
Forest's Edge825 x 82
Goldshire541 x 65
Jasperlode Mine862 x 53
Jerod's Landing854 x 83
Mirror Lake-32 x 63
Mirror Lake Orchard-30 x 67
Northshire Abbey-49 x 41
Northshire Valley-51 x 42
Northshire Vineyards-54 x 49
Ridgepoint Tower885 x 80
Stone Cairn Lake875 x 50
The Maclure Vineyards642 x 87
The Stonefield Farm633 x 85
Tower of Azora868 x 67
Westbrook Garrison824 x 73
Elwynn Forest related achievements
  name and description faction points category
Explore Elwynn Forest Explore Elwynn Forest
Explore Elwynn Forest, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
A H 10 Eastern Kingdoms
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
Complete 550 quests in Eastern Kingdoms.
H 10 Classic
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
Complete 700 quests in Eastern Kingdoms.
A 10 Classic