World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Zan Shivsproket, Alterac Mountains Map

Ingame ID of Alterac Mountains map is 36.

Alterac Mountains
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Alterac Mountains subzones / areas
name level aprox. coords
Chillwind Point3082 x 67
Corrahn's Dagger3348 x 84
Crushridge Hold3548 x 42
Dalaran Crater3015 x 66
Dandred's Fold3940 x 17
Gallows' Corner3650 x 59
Gavin's Naze3331 x 86
Growless Cave3440 x 69
Lordamere Internment Camp3220 x 85
Misty Shore3128 x 38
Ruins of Alterac3640 x 53
Sofera's Naze3358 x 69
Strahnbrad3463 x 45
The Headland3439 x 90
The Uplands2756 x 27
Alterac Mountains related achievements
  name and description faction points category
Explore Alterac Mountains Explore Alterac Mountains
Explore Alterac Mountains, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
A H 10 Eastern Kingdoms
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
Complete 550 quests in Eastern Kingdoms.
H 10 Classic
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
Complete 700 quests in Eastern Kingdoms.
A 10 Classic