World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Genesis Boots 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Helm 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Shoulderpads 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Trousers 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Vest 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Hammer of the Gathering Storm 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Imperial Qiraji Armaments 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Imperial Qiraji Regalia 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Kris of Unspoken Names 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Mace of Unending Life 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Mantle of the Oracle 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Mortal Champions 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Mortal Champions 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Ring of Eternal Justice 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Ring of Infinite Wisdom 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Ring of the Gathering Storm 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Ring of Unspoken Names 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Scythe of the Unseen Path 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Shroud of Infinite Wisdom 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Shroud of Unspoken Names 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Sickle of Unyielding Strength 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Signet of the Unseen Path 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Signet of Unyielding Strength 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Stormcaller's Diadem 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Stormcaller's Footguards 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Stormcaller's Hauberk 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Stormcaller's Leggings 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Stormcaller's Pauldrons 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Striker's Diadem 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Striker's Footguards 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Striker's Hauberk 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Striker's Leggings 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Striker's Pauldrons 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Tiara of the Oracle 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Trousers of the Oracle 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Vestments of the Oracle 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
C'Thun's Legacy 60 A H Ahn'Qiraj
Secrets of the Qiraji 60 A H Ahn'Qiraj
The Savior of Kalimdor 60 A H Ahn'Qiraj