World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Through the Dark Portal 61 A Hellfire Peninsula
Through the Eye 80 A H Icecrown
Throwing Down 76 A H Zul'Drak
Thrusting Hodir's Spear 80 Daily The Storm Peaks
Thule Ravenclaw 16 H Silverpine Forest
Thun'grim Firegaze 10 H Warrior
Thunderaan the Windseeker 60 Raid A H Legendary
Thunderbrew Lager 15 A Westfall
Thunderhorn Cleansing 8 H Mulgore
Thunderhorn Totem 7 H Mulgore
Thunderlord Clan Artifacts 66 H Blade's Edge Mountains
Thundris Windweaver 15 A Darkshore
Thwart the Dark Conclave 69 A H Shadowmoon Valley
Thwarting Kolkar Aggression 8 H Durotar
Tiara of the Deep 46 Dungeon A H Zul'Farrak
Tiara of the Oracle 60 Raid A H Ahn'Qiraj
Tiger Mastery 31 A H Stranglethorn Vale
Tiger Mastery 33 A H Stranglethorn Vale
Tiger Mastery 35 A H Stranglethorn Vale
Tiger Mastery 37 A H Stranglethorn Vale
Timber Worg Tails 64 A Terokkar Forest
Timberling Seeds 7 A Teldrassil
Timberling Sprouts 7 A Teldrassil
Timbermaw Ally 48 A H Felwood
Timbermaw Ally 48 A H Felwood
Time for Answers 80 H Icecrown
Time for Answers 80 A Icecrown
Time for Cleanup 71 H Howling Fjord
Time to Hide 80 H Icecrown
Time to Hide 80 A Icecrown
Time To Strike 20 H Hillsbrad Foothills
Time Yet Remains 80 A H Icecrown
Timear Foresees Centrifuge Constructs in your Future! 80 Daily Dungeon A H The Oculus
Timear Foresees Infinite Agents in your Future! 80 Daily Dungeon A H The Culling of Stratholme
Timear Foresees Titanium Vanguards in your Future! 80 Daily Dungeon A H Halls of Lightning
Timear Foresees Ymirjar Berserkers in your Future! 80 Daily Dungeon A H Utgarde Pinnacle
Tinkee Steamboil 60 Raid A H Blackrock Spire
Tinkmaster Overspark 26 Dungeon A Gnomeregan
Tirion's Gambit 80 H Icecrown
Tirion's Gambit 80 A Icecrown