World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
The Absent Minded Prospector 20 A Darkshore
The Absent Minded Prospector 20 A Darkshore
The Ancient Statuette 20 A Ashenvale
The Ashenvale Hunt 20 H Orgrimmar
The Ashenvale Hunt 20 H The Barrens
The Ashenvale Hunt 20 H Ashenvale
The Ashenvale Hunt 20 H Thunder Bluff
The Coastal Menace 20 A H Westfall
The Everstill Bridge 20 A Redridge Mountains
The Guns of Northwatch 20 H The Barrens
The Powers Below 20 A Darkshore
The Sanctum of the Sun 20 H Ghostlands
The Sleeper Has Awakened 20 A Darkshore
The Touch of Zanzil 20 A Rogue
The Touch of Zanzil 20 A Rogue
The Touch of Zanzil 20 A Rogue
The Unwritten Prophecy 20 A Bloodmyst Isle
Time To Strike 20 H Hillsbrad Foothills
Tools of the Trade 20 H Rogue
Travel to Astranaar 20 A Ashenvale
Travel to Darkshire 20 A Duskwood
Trial at the Field of Giants 20 H Warrior
Underground Assault 20 Dungeon A The Deadmines
Vindicator's Rest 20 Group A Bloodmyst Isle
Vyrin's Revenge 20 A Loch Modan
Vyrin's Revenge 20 A Loch Modan
War on Deatholme 20 H Ghostlands
What We Don't Know... 20 Group A Bloodmyst Isle
What We Know... 20 Group A Bloodmyst Isle
Wisdom of Agamaggan 20 H The Barrens
Yorus Barleybrew 20 A Warrior
Yorus Barleybrew 20 A Warrior
A Gnome's Respite 21 A Stonetalon Mountains
A Scroll from Mauren 21 A Stonetalon Mountains
A Watchful Eye 21 A Redridge Mountains
Allegiance to the Horde 21 H Silvermoon City
An Old Colleague 21 A Stonetalon Mountains
Arachnophobia 21 H Stonetalon Mountains
Beren's Peril 21 H Silverpine Forest
Blackrock Menace 21 A Redridge Mountains