World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
The Deathstalkers 13 H Rogue
The Deathstalkers 13 H Rogue
The Family Crypt 13 H Tirisfal Glades
The Forgotten Pools 13 H The Barrens
The Plagued Coast 13 H Ghostlands
The Shattered Hand 13 H Rogue
The Shattered Hand 13 H Rogue
The Zhevra 13 H The Barrens
Vanquishing Aquantion 13 H Ghostlands
Washed Ashore 13 A Darkshore
Westfall Stew 13 A Westfall
A Favorite Treat 12 A Bloodmyst Isle
A Recipe For Death 12 H Silverpine Forest
At War With The Scarlet Crusade 12 H Tirisfal Glades
Bashal'Aran 12 A Darkshore
Bashal'Aran 12 A Darkshore
Burning Shadows 12 H Durotar
Buzzbox 411 12 A Darkshore
Combining Forces 12 H Rogue
Conscript of the Horde 12 H Durotar
Crossroads Conscription 12 H Durotar
Cruelfin's Necklace 12 A Bloodmyst Isle
Dark Storms 12 H Durotar
Dealing with Zeb'Sora 12 H Ghostlands
Deeprun Rat Roundup 12 A Deeprun Tram
Disrupt the Attacks 12 H The Barrens
Easy Strider Living 12 A Cooking
Electropellers 12 A Fishing
Forgotten Rituals 12 H Ghostlands
Gaffer Jacks 12 A Fishing
Goretusk Liver Pie 12 A Westfall
Help Ranger Valanna! 12 H Ghostlands
Hidden Enemies 12 H Orgrimmar
Hidden Enemies 12 H Orgrimmar
In Defense of the King's Lands 12 A Loch Modan
Ivar the Foul 12 H Silverpine Forest
Journey to the Crossroads 12 H Mulgore
Lost Deathstalkers 12 H Silverpine Forest
Margoz 12 H Durotar
Me Brother, Nipsy 12 A Deeprun Tram