World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Explore Eastern Plaguelands Achievement

It is Eastern Kingdoms achievement. Ingame ID of Explore Eastern Plaguelands achievement is 771.

Explore Eastern Plaguelands tooltip
Explore Eastern Plaguelands
Explore Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Kingdoms
Explore Eastern Plaguelands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
- Blackwood Lake
- Corin's Crossing
- Crown Guard Tower
- Darrowshire
- Eastwall Tower
- Lake Mereldar
- Light's Hope Chapel
- Northdale
- Northpass Tower
- Pestilent Scar
- Plaguewood
- Quel'Lithien Lodge
- Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave
- Stratholme
- Terrordale
- The Fungal Vale
- The Infectis Scar
- The Marris Stead
- The Noxious Glade
- The Undercroft
- Thondroril River
- Tyr's Hand
- Zul'Mashar
Explore Eastern Plaguelands additional info
faction Alliance Horde
achievement points 10
Explore Eastern Plaguelands is a criteria of ...
  name and description faction points category
Explore Eastern Kingdoms Explore Eastern Kingdoms
Explore the regions of Eastern Kingdoms.
A H 25 Exploration