World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Elders of Eastern Kingdoms Achievement

It is Lunar Festival achievement. Ingame ID of Elders of Eastern Kingdoms achievement is 912.

Elders of Eastern Kingdoms tooltip
Elders of Eastern Kingdoms
Elders of Eastern Kingdoms
Lunar Festival
Honor the Elders which are located in Eastern Kingdoms
- Elder Bellowrage in Blasted Lands
- Elder Dawnstrider in Flame Crest
- Elder Goldwell in Kharanos
- Elder Graveborn in Brill
- Elder Highpeak in The Hinterlands
- Elder Ironband in Searing Gorge
- Elder Meadowrun in Western Plaguelands
- Elder Moonstrike in Scholomance
- Elder Obsidian in The Sepulcher
- Elder Rumblerock in Burning Steppes
- Elder Silvervein in Thelsamar
- Elder Skychaser in Sentinel Hill
- Elder Snowcrown in Light's Hope Chapel
- Elder Starglade in Zul'Gurub
- Elder Stormbrow in Goldshire
- Elder Windrun in Eastern Plaguelands
- Elder Winterhoof in Booty Bay
Elders of Eastern Kingdoms additional info
faction Alliance Horde
achievement points 10
Elders of Eastern Kingdoms is a criteria of ...
  name and description faction points category
To Honor One's Elders To Honor One's Elders
Complete the Lunar Festival achievements listed below.
A H 30 World Events