World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Anachronos Creature / NPC

Ingame ID of Anachronos creature / NPC is 15192.

Anachronos tooltip
Dragonkin (Boss)
Anachronos additional info
react (top-most) H A
Last update, client version12340
Known location(s) of Anachronos creature / NPC
map of Tanaris
Anachronos is a starting point of the following quests ...
name level faction category rewards
Atiesh, the Befouled Greatstaff 60
A H Legendary
Long Forgotten Memories 60 A H Silithus
The Charge of the Dragonflights 60 A H Tanaris
The Grand Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Protector 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Protector 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Protector 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Protector 60 A H Tanaris
The Protector of Kalimdor 60 A H Tanaris
The Qiraji Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
Anachronos completes the following quests ...
name level faction category rewards
A Pawn on the Eternal Board 60 A H Silithus
Anachronos 60 A H Silithus
Atiesh, the Befouled Greatstaff 60
A H Legendary
Frame of Atiesh 60
A H Legendary
Nefarius's Corruption 60
A H Blackwing Lair
The Champion Returns 60 A H Moonglade
The Changing of Paths - Conqueror No More 60 A H Tanaris
The Charge of the Dragonflights 60 A H Tanaris
The Grand Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Might of Kalimdor 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Invoker 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Protector 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Protector 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Protector 60 A H Tanaris
The Path of the Protector 60 A H Tanaris
The Protector of Kalimdor 60 A H Tanaris
The Qiraji Conqueror 60 A H Tanaris
The Savior of Kalimdor 60 A H Ahn'Qiraj
The Wrath of Neptulon 60
A H Azshara