World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Captain Gryan Stoutmantle Creature / NPC

Ingame ID of Captain Gryan Stoutmantle creature / NPC is 26212.

Captain Gryan Stoutmantle tooltip
Captain Gryan Stoutmantle
Commander of the Westfall Brigade
Level 75 Humanoid (Elite)
Captain Gryan Stoutmantle additional info
DescriptionCommander of the Westfall Brigade
Level75 Elite
react (top-most) A
Last update, client version11723
Known location(s) of Captain Gryan Stoutmantle creature / NPC
you have to kill or interact with Captain Gryan Stoutmantle while on these quests ...
name level faction category rewards
Mounting Up 75 A Grizzly Hills
Captain Gryan Stoutmantle is a starting point of the following quests ...
name level faction category rewards
Hollowstone Mine 75 A Grizzly Hills
Reallocating Resources 75 A Grizzly Hills
Softening the Blow 75 A Grizzly Hills
Captain Gryan Stoutmantle completes the following quests ...
name level faction category rewards
A Name from the Past 75 A Grizzly Hills
Report to Gryan Stoutmantle... Again 74 A Grizzly Hills