World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Cultist Shard Watcher Creature / NPC

Ingame ID of Cultist Shard Watcher creature / NPC is 32349.

Cultist Shard Watcher tooltip
Cultist Shard Watcher
Cult of the Damned
Level 80 Humanoid
Cultist Shard Watcher additional info
DescriptionCult of the Damned
react (top-most) H A
Last update, client version12340
Known location(s) of Cultist Shard Watcher creature / NPC
Cultist Shard Watcher drops these rare+ and quest items
  name level req level class slot
Avool's Sword of Jin Avool's Sword of Jin 200 80 Sword One-Hand
Broken Shard of Despair Broken Shard of Despair - - Quest
Broken Shard of Horror Broken Shard of Horror - - Quest
Broken Shard of Suffering Broken Shard of Suffering - - Quest
Condor-Bone Chestguard Condor-Bone Chestguard 170 77 Mail Chest
Design: Beaming Earthsiege Diamond Design: Beaming Earthsiege Diamond 80 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Champion's Monarch Topaz Design: Champion's Monarch Topaz 80 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Purified Twilight Opal Design: Purified Twilight Opal 80 - Jewelcrafting
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Shadow Resistance Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Shadow Resistance 80 - Enchanting
Namlak's Supernumerary Sticker Namlak's Supernumerary Sticker 200 80 Dagger One-Hand
Pattern: Fur Lining - Shadow Resist Pattern: Fur Lining - Shadow Resist 80 - Leatherworking
Recipe: Mighty Shadow Protection Potion Recipe: Mighty Shadow Protection Potion 75 - Alchemy
Sash of Jordan Sash of Jordan 200 80 Cloth Waist
Tainted Essence Tainted Essence - - Quest
Twisted Puzzle-Ring Twisted Puzzle-Ring 170 77 Miscellaneous Finger
Wapach's Spaulders of Solidarity Wapach's Spaulders of Solidarity 200 80 Plate Shoulder
Wristguards of Verdant Recovery Wristguards of Verdant Recovery 174 78 Leather Wrist