World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Murk Slitherer Creature / NPC

Ingame ID of Murk Slitherer creature / NPC is 5224.

Murk Slitherer tooltip
Murk Slitherer
Murk Slitherer additional info
Last update, client version12340
Murk Slitherer drops these rare+ and quest items
  name level req level class slot
Bludgeon of the Grinning Dog Bludgeon of the Grinning Dog 47 42 Staff Two-Hand
Deathblow Deathblow 48 43 Sword Two-Hand
Design: Ruby Serpent Design: Ruby Serpent 52 - Jewelcrafting
Design: The Aquamarine Ward Design: The Aquamarine Ward 49 - Jewelcrafting
Executioner's Cleaver Executioner's Cleaver 48 43 Axe Two-Hand
Formula: Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit Formula: Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit 38 - Enchanting
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina 49 - Enchanting
Icemail Jerkin Icemail Jerkin 44 39 Mail Chest
Mindseye Circle Mindseye Circle 46 41 Miscellaneous Finger
Murkwater Gauntlets Murkwater Gauntlets 46 41 Mail Hands
Necklace of Calisea Necklace of Calisea 43 38 Miscellaneous Neck
Nightblade Nightblade 44 39 Sword Two-Hand
Pattern: Big Voodoo Pants Pattern: Big Voodoo Pants 48 - Leatherworking
Pattern: Big Voodoo Robe Pattern: Big Voodoo Robe 43 - Leatherworking
Pattern: Guardian Cloak Pattern: Guardian Cloak 37 - Leatherworking
Pattern: Red Mageweave Shoulders Pattern: Red Mageweave Shoulders 47 - Tailoring
Pattern: Red Mageweave Vest Pattern: Red Mageweave Vest 43 - Tailoring
Pattern: White Bandit Mask Pattern: White Bandit Mask 43 - Tailoring
Plans: Dazzling Mithril Rapier Plans: Dazzling Mithril Rapier 48 - Blacksmithing
Plans: Heavy Mithril Helm Plans: Heavy Mithril Helm 49 - Blacksmithing
Plans: Mithril Spurs Plans: Mithril Spurs 47 - Blacksmithing
Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe 40 - Blacksmithing
Plans: Thorium Bracers Plans: Thorium Bracers 51 - Blacksmithing
Plans: Wildthorn Mail Plans: Wildthorn Mail 54 - Blacksmithing
Plated Fist of Hakoo Plated Fist of Hakoo 45 40 Plate Hands
Recipe: Magic Resistance Potion Recipe: Magic Resistance Potion 42 - Alchemy
Sheepshear Mantle Sheepshear Mantle 45 40 Leather Shoulder
Slimescale Bracers Slimescale Bracers 49 44 Mail Wrist
Tanglewood Staff Tanglewood Staff 46 41 Staff Two-Hand