World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Reinforcements for Garadar Quest

Ingame ID of Reinforcements for Garadar quest is 9797.

Reinforcements for Garadar tooltip
Reinforcements for Garadar
Level 64
Speak with Captain Kroghan at Garadar in Nagrand.
Reinforcements for Garadar additional info
Faction Horde
DescriptionSpeak with Captain Kroghan at Garadar in Nagrand.
max level compensation: 16 silver 20 copper
Details<Still catching his breath, the messenger gestures for you to sit.>

They may not survive, [race]! Get to Garadar as quickly as your legs will carry you.

<In response to your blank stare, the messenger elaborates.>

The home of the Mag'har, lies to the south, in Nagrand. Take the southern road out of the marsh, then turn east at the first fork and look for a large settlement on the lake.

Find our commander, Captain Kroghan, there and offer him what assistance you can. Garadar must not fall!
Ingame link
Last update, client version11159
Reinforcements for Garadar start and finish location(s)
Start (NPC)
map of Zangarmarsh
Finish (NPC)
map of Nagrand