World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Against the Hatecrest 43 A Feralas
Against the Giants 80 Group H Icecrown
Against the Giants 80 Group A Icecrown
Against Nifflevar 71 H Howling Fjord
Against Lord Shalzaru 45 A Feralas
Against All Odds 70 A H Nagrand
Again With the Zapped Giants 55 A H Feralas
Again Into the Great Ossuary 60 H Shaman
After the Ambush 15 A Loch Modan
Aerial Surveillance 77 A H Sholazar Basin
Adversarial Blood 70 Group A H Skettis
Adversarial Blood 70 Group A H Skettis
Administering the Salve 63 H Hellfire Peninsula
Additional Runecloth 60 A Stormwind City
Additional Runecloth 60 A Darnassus
Additional Runecloth 60 A Ironforge
Additional Runecloth 60 A Ironforge
Additional Runecloth 60 H Undercity
Additional Runecloth 60 H Thunder Bluff
Additional Runecloth 60 H Orgrimmar
Additional Runecloth 60 H Orgrimmar
Additional Runecloth 60 A The Exodar
Additional Runecloth 60 H Silvermoon City
Additional Materials 69 A H Shadowmoon Valley
Adding Injury to Insult 71 H Howling Fjord
Across Transborea 72 H Borean Tundra
Aces High! 80 A H Coldarra
Aces High! 80 Daily A H Coldarra
Accepting All Eggs 70 A H Shadowmoon Valley
Abyssal Signets 60 Group A H Silithus
Abyssal Scepters 60 Raid A H Silithus
Abyssal Crests 60 A H Silithus
Abyssal Contacts 60 A H Silithus
Absholutely... Thish Will Work! 71 A Howling Fjord
Above and Beyond 60 Dungeon A H Stratholme
Abjurist Belmara 69 A H Netherstorm
Aberrations 80 A H The Storm Peaks
Abduction 71 A H Borean Tundra
Abandoned Mail 55 A H Death Knight
Abandoned Investigations 10 H Eversong Woods