World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Blood of Innocents 23 H Thunder Bluff
Blood of the Chosen 80 Daily H Icecrown
Blood of the Chosen 80 Daily A Icecrown
Blood Shards of Agamaggan 21 H The Barrens
Blood Tinged Skies 56 A H Eastern Plaguelands
Blood Watch 15 A Bloodmyst Isle
Bloodfen Feathers 39 A H Dustwallow Marsh
Bloodfury Bloodline 26 H Stonetalon Mountains
Bloodgem Crystals 68 A H Netherstorm
Bloodpetal Poison 52 A H Druid
Bloodpetal Sprouts 53 A Un'Goro Crater
Bloodscalp Clan Heads 41 H Stranglethorn Vale
Bloodscalp Ears 35 A H Stranglethorn Vale
Bloodscalp Insight 34 H Stranglethorn Vale
Bloodspattered Banners 80 H Icecrown
Bloodspattered Banners 80 A Icecrown
Bloody Bone Necklaces 37 H Stranglethorn Vale
Bloody Breakout 55 A H Death Knight
Bloody Imp-ossible! 69 A H Netherstorm
Bloody Vengeance 61 H Hellfire Peninsula
Blow it Up! 80 H Icecrown
Blowing Hodir's Horn 80 Daily The Storm Peaks
Boat Wreckage 44 A Feralas
Bodley's Unfortunate Fate 60 H Blackrock Mountain
Bodley's Unfortunate Fate 60 A Blackrock Mountain
Body of Evidence 66 A H Nagrand
Bodyguard for Hire 35 A H Desolace
Boiling Blood 60 H Hellfire Peninsula
Boiling Point 72 H Borean Tundra
Bomb Them Again! 70 Daily A H Blade's Edge Mountains
Bombard the Ballistae 72 H Dragonblight
Bombing Run 70 A H Blade's Edge Mountains
Bombing Run 70 A H Blade's Edge Mountains
Bone Collector 32 A H Desolace
Bone Fragments 60 A H Eastern Plaguelands
Bone-Bladed Weapons 52 H Orgrimmar
Bonechewer Blood 60 H Hellfire Peninsula
Bonescythe Digs 60 A H Eastern Plaguelands
Book of the Ancients 38 A H Desolace
Bookie Herod 35 A Stranglethorn Vale