World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Spellcloth Spell

Ingame ID of Spellcloth spell is 31373.

Spellcloth tooltip
Self only
25 sec cast
Conversion of these items into spellcloth can only be done inside of Netherstorm and only once in a while can the energies of netherstorm be used in this way. Draining power to create the spellcloth will bring the wrath of netherstorm on you.
Spellcloth additional info
DescriptionConversion of these items into spellcloth can only be done inside of Netherstorm and only once in a while can the energies of netherstorm be used in this way. Draining power to create the spellcloth will bring the wrath of netherstorm on you.
range0 yd range
cast time25 seconds
duration2 seconds
created items
effect #1: Create Item
effect #2: Apply Aura: Periodic Trigger