The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Atlas

Fists of Fury: Toussaint Secondary Quest, Blood and Wine Quest

You can start this quest by taking a note from notice board or talking to any of the bookies.

Suggested level: 36

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Stages of "Fists of Fury: Toussaint" quest

1. Defeat Mancomb in a fistfight.

While traversing Toussaint, Geralt learned local aficionados of wine and raucous entertainment were fond of organizing fistfighting tournaments as well. He decided to enter the lists.

You can defeat him in regular fight or you can out-tongue him, i.e. tell him:

Hear how pathetic and stupid you sound?

Your mama...

You're just too dumb to get insults this brutal.

Defeat Mancomb in a fistfight.

2. Defeat Still Waters in a fistfight.

Defeat Still Waters in a fistfight.

3. Defeat Colossus in a fistfight.

You can defeat Colossus in standard fight or by parring three of his blows at the right moment.

Defeat Colossus in a fistfight.

3.1. Parry Colossus' blows at the right moment. 0/3

4. Quest completed.

The witcher defeated a triumvirate of challengers. He told me later some of them were quite colorful characters!

This feat qualified him to fight in a bout against the reigning master of the Toussaint fistfighting circuit.