The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Atlas

Master Master Master Master! Secondary Quest, Blood and Wine Quest

Suggested level: 40

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Stages of "Master Master Master Master!" quest

1. Find the grandmaster smith Lafargue so you can make use of his services.

While in Toussaint, one day Geralt found a notice posted by an armorer. Since to the witcher a good suit is potentially a matter of life or death, and since he had always benefited from working relationships he had struck up with able plate bangers, our hero debated the issue only briefly before resolving to visit the artisan.

2. Ask Lafargue about the contract.

Finding a grandmaster armorer borders on being a miracle. The world is full of rumors about elves and dwarves with a thorough mastery of the art of shaping leather and metal. The sad thing is most of these tales contend that all of them have long been dead. Yet as the Good Book sayeth, "Ask, and ye shall be answered. Seek, and ye shall find."

3. Ask Lafargue about all the vanished witchers. 0/5

Imagine Geralt's delight when he happened on an exceptionally talented amorer, and one eager to work! This man's name was Lafargue, and he had been an apprentice of an elven master of the craft. Lafargue possessed not only the required skills, but he also knew where our witcher might find some lost grandmaster level diagrams hailing from five witcher schools.

Geralt made a deal with Lafargue - he promised to find the diagrams, while the craftsman pledged to produce gear for the witcher based on them. For you ought to know that this armorer's greatest dream in life was to produce the most perfect set of witcher gear. Doing so would mean that Lafargue had fulfilled his guild's final requirement and he could thereafter term himself a grandmaster. All Geralt had to do was to find the lost diagrams.

Ask Lafargue about all the vanished witchers. 0/5

4. Find all the grandmaster diagrams of one witcher school.

You have to find all six grandmaster diagrams of one witcher school.

5. Take the diagrams to Lafargue so he can become a grandmaster.

Take the diagrams to Lafargue so he can become a grandmaster.

6. Quest completed.

At long last, after numerous trials and tribulations, Geralt managed to assemble all the diagrams from a single witchers' school, diagrams that would allow the armorer to produce a complete set of gear at grandmaster level. Lafargue was consumed by joy. At last he could get to work and fulfill his dream. For he had no doubt he would succeed in creating a wondrous suit of witcher armor worthy of his deceased master.