Creatures, MOBs / NPCs
This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King creatures (MOBs and NPCs). MOB (Monster Or Beast) and NPC (Non-Player Character) are generic terms for any entity controlled by game AI.
MOBs tend to be aggressive to all players and their primary purpose is to be killed for experience, quest objective, or loot. NPCs are usually friendly (often hostile to opposite faction) and you can talk to them, trade with them, receive quest from them, etc.
name ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
level | location | react | type, family |
"Tipsy" McManus
Grimbooze's Assistant
75 | Sholazar Basin |
H A | Humanoid |
"Wyrmbait" | 73 | Dragonblight |
A | Humanoid |
'Thunderflash' | 40 | Dun Morogh |
A | Mechanical |
55-D Collect-a-tron | 70 - 71 | Borean Tundra |
H A | Mechanical |
7th Legion Battle Mage | 71 - 73 | Dragonblight |
A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Cavalier | 74 Elite
Dragonblight |
A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Chain Gun | 70 | Dragonblight |
A | Not specified |
7th Legion Cleric | 72 - 73 | Dragonblight |
A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Deckhand | 80 | Isle of Conquest |
A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Elite | 71 - 73 Elite
Dragonblight |
H A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Elite | 71 - 73 Elite
Dragonblight |
H A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Infantry | 80 | Isle of Conquest |
H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Infantryman | 73 - 75 Elite
Dragonblight |
H A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Marine | 80 Elite
Isle of Conquest |
A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Rifleman | 73 | Dragonblight |
A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Sentinel | 73 - 74 | Dragonblight |
H A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Siege Engineer | 69 | Dragonblight |
A | Humanoid |
7th Legion Wyrm Hunter | 72 - 73 | Dragonblight |
A | Humanoid |
A'dal | 73 Elite
Shattrath City |
H A | Not specified |
A'dal | 73 Elite
Shattrath City |
H A | Not specified |
A-Me 01 | 48 | Un'Goro Crater |
H A | Mechanical |
Riding Trainer
14 | The Exodar |
A | Humanoid |
Aaron | 1 | Elwynn Forest |
A | Humanoid |
Aaron Hollman
Blacksmithing Supplies
60 | Shattrath City |
H A | Humanoid |
Aayndia Floralwind
Leatherworking Trainer
37 | Ashenvale |
A | Humanoid |
Abandoned Pack Mule | 1 - 2 | Howling Fjord |
H A | Beast |
Abbendis | 51 | Old Hillsbrad Foothills |
A | Humanoid |
Abdul the Insane | 72 Elite
Howling Fjord |
H A | Humanoid |
Abe the Cabin Boy
The Lady Mehley
12 | Dustwallow Marsh Wetlands |
A | Humanoid |
Abe Winters
Apprentice Armorer
14 | Tirisfal Glades |
H | Humanoid |
The Hermit
35 | Duskwood |
A | Humanoid |
Aberrant Owlbeast | 8 - 10 | Azuremyst Isle |
A | Humanoid |
Abigail Sawyer
Bow Merchant
30 | Undercity |
H | Humanoid |
Abigail Shiel
Trade Supplies
9 | Tirisfal Glades |
H | Humanoid |
Abjurist Belmara
Kirin Tor
68 | Netherstorm |
H | Undead |
Abner Fizzletorque | 70 | Borean Tundra |
H A | Humanoid |
Stable Master
30 | Desolace |
H | Humanoid |
Assistant Innkeeper
75 | Dalaran |
H | Humanoid |
Abominable Messenger | 65 | Shattrath City |
H A | Undead |
Abomination | 71 Elite
Hyjal Summit |
H | Undead |