The Cosmic Map (Mundus) world mapThe Elder Scrolls Online (TESO) Maps
The Cosmic map is the farthest you can currently zoom out on your The Elder Scrolls Online map. It shows both Tamriel and Coldharbour.
Points of interest located on this map
Coldharbourmark on map
Coldharbour is the realm of Oblivion which is ruled by the daedric prince, Molag Bal. It is considered one of the most inhospitable realms being comprised mainly of charnel houses and vast slave pens. It is said to resemble Nirn except colder, darker and more beaten and violent.
Tamrielmark on map
Tamriel is a fictional continent where The Elder Scrolls Online is set. When the game first launches, there will be limited access to all areas, but over time with new expansions, game action will take place across the entire continent. Tamriel contains nine regions: Cyrodiil, Black Marsh, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Skyrim, Summerset Isle, Valenwood.